Last week in WebKit:
Content security policy and enabling the threaded HTML tokenizer

This update discusses last week’s 718 changes to WebKit, up to revision 144595.

Web Inspector will now show raster tasks on the Timeline Panel. Furthermore, the various profiling tools, such as the JavaScript CPU Profiler, canvas profiler and the memory snapshots, have been moved in separate panels.

When enabling the CSP 1.1 implementation, the new directives will now work on the unprefixed header as well. The meta referrer directive will now be honored for calls,the X-Frame-Options header accepts the “ALLOWALL” value and no callback is required anymore for requesting a notification permission. Rules for up and down-mixing channels in the Web Audio API have been implemented, and collapsing rules for empty buttons have been corrected.

The :first-letter pseudo element is now being ignored in flexible box elements. Dave rewrote the stacking model for the new multiple column implementation to be spec compliant and made sure transformed objects show up. CSS Shaders’ non-separable color and luminosity blend modes have been implemented, and parsing of CSS’ transition-property property has been improved.

Work on refreshing the calendar picker in WebKit continues with various new components, among which support for scrollbars, a month popup view and a table view for the calendar itself.

One feature that is nearing completion is the threaded HTML tokenizer. Now that more tests have been fixed and some optimizations have been done, it’s been enabled for Chromium’s DumpRenderTree.

Other changes which occurred last week: