MotionMark Moves to Open Governance
The WebKit team created the MotionMark benchmark in 2016 to measure graphics performance of web browsers.
Customizing Color Fonts on the Web
Color fonts provide a way to add richness to your designs without sacrificing any of the many benefits of using plain text.
WebGPU and WSL in Safari
WebGPU is a new API being developed by Apple and others in the W3C which enables high-performance 3D graphics and data-parallel computation on the Web.
Web High Level Shading Language
This article is introducing a new graphics shading language for the Web named Web High Level Shading Language (WHLSL, pronounced “whistle”).
Variable Fonts on the Web
Variable fonts can expose any number of axes, each controlling a different aspect of the font.
CSS Font Features
Font features are a way to enable advanced text styles and effects as designed by the font author.
Using the System Font in Web Content
On iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan, specifying “font-family: -apple-system” allows you to use Apple’s new system font: San Francisco.