Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 197

Safari Technology Preview Release 197 is now available for download for macOS Sequoia beta and macOS Sonoma. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.

This release includes WebKit changes between: 279361@main…279854@main.


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed a detached OffscreenCanvas to not transfer an ImageBuffer. (279775@main) (129270155)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed custom counter styles disclosure-open and disclosure-closed to point to the correct direction in right-to-left. (279404@main) (109014745)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed form controls drawing with an active appearance when the window is inactive. (279458@main) (127391198)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed fractionalDigits of Intl.DurationFormat to be treated as at most 9 digits if it is omitted. (279632@main) (129145390)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed multiple cases of audio distortion occurring when using AudioWorklets. (279409@main) (128551401)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed min-content calculation for unstyled only-child inlines elements. (273633@main) (128348427)

  • Fixed ellipsis rendering multiple times when position: relative and top are used. (279645@main) (128394449)

  • Fixed a bug for inline elements inserted in reverse order after a block in a continuation. (279422@main) (128826228)

  • Fixed the flash of a page background-colored bar in the footer when the window is resized. (279562@main) (128940179)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed CORS bypass on private localhost domain using host and mode “no-cors”. (279835@main) (125913679)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed error handling for invalid filter primitive references. (279421@main) (104262208)

  • Fixed SVGLength to sync with the WebIDL specification. (279659@main) (129169603)

Web Inspector

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed Web Inspector to show nested workers. (279793@main) (108322385)

  • Fixed Accessibility inspector for switch controls to report “State: on/off” instead of “Checked: true/false”. (279772@main) (128952449)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed retrieving titles containing multibyte characters. (279767@main) (123987149)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed OffscreenCanvas.transferToImageBuffer() to clear the WebGL drawing buffer. (279434@main) (126738038)