iOS 10 Link Preview API in WKWebView
iOS 10 Link Preview API in WKWebView
Multi-Touch gestures have always been an integral part of the iPhone experience, but pinch and double tap were just the beginning of the story.
Advanced Layout Made Easy with CSS Regions
Advanced Layout Made Easy with CSS Regions
CSS Regions is an exciting technology that makes it easier than ever to create rich, magazine-like layouts within web content.
Andy Estes is a WebKit Reviewer!
Andy Estes is a WebKit Reviewer!
I am delighted to announce that Andy Estes is now a WebKit reviewer.
If you’ve been following check-ins for the last year or so, then you already know that some dedicated contributors have been working on a MathML implementation in WebKit.
Chris Fleizach is now a WebKit reviewer!
Chris Fleizach is now a WebKit reviewer!
Chris came to WebKit as an accessibility expert, and he has put a lot of work into improving our accessibility support.
We’re gonna party like it’s our birthday (because it is!)
We’re gonna party like it’s our birthday (because it is!)
Close your MacBooks and shine up your dancing shoes, it’s time to PARTY!