Styling Scrollbars
WebKit now supports styling of the scrollbars in overflow sections, listboxes, dropdown menus and textareas.
Web Inspector Redesign
It has been nine months since our last Web Inspector update and we have a lot of cool things to talk about.
Full Pass of Acid3
Today we would like to announce that WebKit is the first browser engine to fully pass Acid3.
Introducing SquirrelFish Extreme
Just three months ago, the WebKit team announced SquirrelFish, a major revamp of our JavaScript engine featuring a high-performance bytecode interpreter.
Announcing SquirrelFish
“Hello, Internet!” WebKit’s core JavaScript engine just got a new interpreter, code-named SquirrelFish.
CSS Canvas Drawing
Currently the set of images you can use from CSS consists of the following: Bitmap Images (PNG, GIF, JPG) SVG Images Gradients A notable missing ability when compared with explicit DOM content is programmatic drawing into CSS images.
Introducing CSS Gradients
NOTE: The syntax for CSS gradients in WebKit presented here is deprecated and should not be used.
Scenes from an Acid Test
In our earlier Acid3 post, I mentioned that the final test we passed, test 79, was super tough.