CSS Canvas Drawing
Currently the set of images you can use from CSS consists of the following: Bitmap Images (PNG, GIF, JPG) SVG Images Gradients A notable missing ability when compared with explicit DOM content is programmatic drawing into CSS images.
Introducing CSS Gradients
NOTE: The syntax for CSS gradients in WebKit presented here is deprecated and should not be used.
Scenes from an Acid Test
In our earlier Acid3 post, I mentioned that the final test we passed, test 79, was super tough.
WebKit achieves Acid3 100/100 in public build
UPDATE We now believe we have a full rendering pass (but not necessarily an animation smoothness pass yet).
Acid3 99/100
Enabling SVG Animation:
Acid3 99/100
In r31334 we enabled the SVG Animation support that has already been in the engine for a while but has not been enabled by default so far.
We added the ElementTimeControl interface that is part of the SVG Animation specification.
NodeIterator fix leaves us with 4 points to go
NodeIterator fix leaves us with 4 points to go
WebKit was still failing on test 2 of Acid3.
Optimizing Page Loading in the Web Browser
It is well understood that page loading speed in a web browser is limited by the available connection bandwidth.
CSS3 has introduced a property called background-clip that can be used to clip backgrounds to either the border, padding or content box.