Last week in WebKit:
Legacy viewports and querySelector() performance

This update describes 728 changes up to WebKit revision 119369.

Parsing for the box-decoration-break CSS property landed, with the rendering part still pending. Form controls in disabled fieldsets won’t be checked for validity anymore, and fieldsets themselves now feature the elements accessor. Input elements with a :first-letter style are editable again, the &AElig named entity will now be rendered as expected and the :enabled pseudo-class now applies to option elements too.

Implementation of CSS Images Level 3’s image-resolution property has started, just like bits of the CSS4 Media Queries specification, with the implementation of the “hover” and “pointer” queries for Chromium. Various names used in the Flexible Box Module implementation have been renamed to the names now listed by the updated specification.

Exceptions now have Error.prototype on their prototype chain. The reserved 1005, 1006 and 1015 closing status codes for Web Sockets will now be handled as broken. Content Security Policy messages to the console will now include a line number for ports using JavaScriptCore, the “overflow” property of NamedFlows has been renamed to “overset” and the “files” attribute for input elements is now writable and IndexedDB requests and transactions now support the error property.

Dave Hyatt is continuing work on re-implementing the CSS Multiple Column Module to be based on Regions.

Other changes which occurred last week: