Last two weeks in WebKit:
breaking code with prefixes
Last week I had the blog ready and I sent it to Andreas for review. He pointed out that the post was a little short, and that it would be better to flesh it out a bit. I wanted to fix that quickly and publish the blog mid-week. Unfortunately, I ended up having a crazy week and I never got the time to update the post. So here we are, a little late, the last (two) weeks in WebKit:
Exposed changes
- Martin Robinson renamed grid-{rows|columns} to grid-definition-{rows|columns}, following the latest specification. The old names are no longer supported.
- Karol Świniarski removed support for the WEBKIT prefix on the following WebGL extensions: WEBGL_lose_context, WEBGL_depth_texture and WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc.
- Kwang Yul Seo added support for the “online” and “offline” events on WebWorkers’ WorkerGlobalScope. This gives workers the possibility of listening for network disconnection/connection and react accordingly.
- Rob Buis modified the XMLSerializer to include the namespace of node in the serialized markup. The patch also makes sure the generated markup closes the nodes to ensure it is valid XML.
- Joone Hur improved how the caret color is computed when editing text. Previously, the color of the editable root would be used for every part of the text. With the patch, the caret takes the local background color instead, which ensure the caret is always visible regardless of the style applied to the elements inside the editable root.
Engine hacking
Renáta Hodován published the first blog post about Fuzzinator. The post introduces what Fuzzinator is and the building blocks it uses to find problems in browsers.
Another good news regarding the blogs is Brent Fulgham fixed to include the WebKit blog. This makes will it easier for everyone to have a single source of information for WebKit changes. Some old blogs have been removed recently, removing about 8.8 million lines from the planet.
- Mark Lam fixed a tricky performance regression when running the popular benchmark JSBench.
- David Hyatt fixed selection of vertical text for all the writing-mode and pagination combinations.
- Andreas Kling reduced the memory usage of the “most popular Twitter page” by almost 2 megabytes total.
- Frédéric Wang transformed a lot of MathML image tests into ref-tests, making them a lot easier to maintain.
- Jessie Berlin used Clang’s static analyzer to find problems and fixed a few mistakes already.
- James Craig improved the accessibility layer of WebKit. He fixed the way readonly and aria-readonly are exposed to accessibility, and he added support for the required attribute for the cell role.
- Christophe Dumez (mostly) removed support for multiple inheritance from the bindings generators.
- Alex Christensen added support for x86_64 to the Windows port.
- Brady Eidson added limitations to what can be done in response to the beforeUnload event. It is no longer possible to display a modal dialog in response to the event.
Any comments? Praise? Send it our way to @awesomekling and @awfulben.