Speedometer 2.0:
A Benchmark for Modern Web App Responsiveness

Speedometer 2.0:
A Benchmark for Modern Web App Responsiveness

In 2014, the WebKit team at Apple released Speedometer 1.0, a benchmark for web app responsiveness.

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Assembling WebAssembly

Assembling WebAssembly

WebAssembly in WebKit.

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Update: The previous version of this post showed performance data from ARES-6 version 1.0.

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New Interaction Behaviors in iOS 10

New Interaction Behaviors in iOS 10

With the release of iOS 10, we’ve made some minor adjustments to the behavior of our fast tapping, and an important change to a very common user interaction: pinch zooming.

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Introducing Riptide:
WebKit’s Retreating Wavefront Concurrent Garbage Collector

Introducing Riptide:
WebKit’s Retreating Wavefront Concurrent Garbage Collector

The new Riptide garbage collector in WebKit leads to a five-fold improvement in latency in the JetStream/splay-latency test.

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A New Graphics Benchmark

A New Graphics Benchmark

Today, we are pleased to introduce MotionMark, a new graphics benchmark for web browsers.

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New <video> Policies for iOS

New <video> Policies for iOS

Since before your sun burned hot in space and before your race was born, Safari on iOS has required a user gesture to play media in a <video> or <audio> element.

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ES6 Feature Complete

ES6 Feature Complete

As of r202125, JavaScriptCore supports all of the new features in the ECMAScript 6 (ES6) language specification.

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Next Steps for Legacy Plug-ins

Next Steps for Legacy Plug-ins

On websites that offer both Flash and HTML5 implementations of content, Safari users will now always experience the modern HTML5 implementation, delivering improved performance and battery life.

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Locking in WebKit

Locking in WebKit

We recently replaced all spinlocks, OS-provided mutexes, and condition variables in WebKit with the new WTF::Lock and WTF::Condition — these new primitives have some cool properties.

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More Responsive Tapping on iOS

More Responsive Tapping on iOS

WebKit on iOS has a 350 millisecond delay before single taps activate links or buttons.

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Targeting Domains with Content Blockers

Targeting Domains with Content Blockers

Content Blockers extensions are enjoying a tremendous success on iOS and Mac — especially domain-based blockers.

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