Advanced Layout Made Easy with CSS Regions
CSS Regions is an exciting technology that makes it easier than ever to create rich, magazine-like layouts within web content.
WebKit and C++11
WebKit now requires our various ports to build with compilers that support some C++11 features.
Using References Instead of Pointers
We started converting WebKit code to using references instead of pointers when passing around objects.
Improved Support for Images on High-Resolution Displays
WebKit now supports the srcset attribute on image elements to specify higher-quality images for your users.
Binary Size Matters
Unusual Speed Boost:
Binary Size Matters
One of my concerns last year was that while WebKit was getting faster on common benchmarks, some operations were getting slower as a byproduct of new features and optimizations.
State of Web Inspector
Last year, Safari 6 included a reimagination of Web Inspector that aligned the design and user experience with Xcode 4.
Announcing SunSpider 1.0
The popular SunSpider JavaScript benchmark suite was originally released by the WebKit team over five years ago, in December 2007.
On spinlocks and sleep()
Yes, we really did achieve a 3.7X speedup on a garbage collection benchmark by removing a call to sleep().
CSS3 Gradients
Introduction WebKit paved the way for gradients in CSS by adding support for -webkit-gradient back in early 2008, and they’ve become widely used since their introduction.
If you’ve been following check-ins for the last year or so, then you already know that some dedicated contributors have been working on a MathML implementation in WebKit.
A Guide to Assertion Macros in WebKit
Background WebKit provides a number of macros to assert that conditions in the code are met.