Announcing SunSpider 0.9.1
Today we’d like to announce SunSpider 0.9.1, a new version of the popular SunSpider JavaScript benchmark that improves accuracy of results.
Web Inspector Updates
A number of exciting new features have been added to the Web Inspector since our last update.
WebKit Page Cache II – The unload Event
Previously I touched on what exactly the Page Cache does and outlined some of the improvements we’re working on.
WebKit Page Cache I – The Basics
This is the first of two posts that will center around a modern browser engine feature that doesn’t usually get a lot of press: The Page Cache.
3D Transforms
WebKit on Mac OS X now has support for CSS 3D transforms, which allow you to position elements on the page in three-dimensional space using CSS.
Styling Scrollbars
WebKit now supports styling of the scrollbars in overflow sections, listboxes, dropdown menus and textareas.
Web Inspector Redesign
It has been nine months since our last Web Inspector update and we have a lot of cool things to talk about.
Full Pass of Acid3
Today we would like to announce that WebKit is the first browser engine to fully pass Acid3.
Introducing SquirrelFish Extreme
Just three months ago, the WebKit team announced SquirrelFish, a major revamp of our JavaScript engine featuring a high-performance bytecode interpreter.
Announcing SquirrelFish
“Hello, Internet!” WebKit’s core JavaScript engine just got a new interpreter, code-named SquirrelFish.