Declarative Shadow DOM

Declarative Shadow DOM

We’re pleased to announce that support for the declarative shadow DOM API has been added and enabled by default in Safari Technology Preview 162.

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ElementInternals and Form-Associated Custom Elements

ElementInternals and Form-Associated Custom Elements

In Safari Technology Preview 162 we enabled the support for ElementInternals and the form-associated custom elements by default.

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Clipboard API Improvements

Clipboard API Improvements

The Clipboard API provides a mechanism for websites to support accessing the system pasteboard (pasteboard is the macOS and iOS counterpart to clipboard on Windows and Linux).

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Speedometer 2.0:
A Benchmark for Modern Web App Responsiveness

Speedometer 2.0:
A Benchmark for Modern Web App Responsiveness

In 2014, the WebKit team at Apple released Speedometer 1.0, a benchmark for web app responsiveness.

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Introducing Custom Elements

Introducing Custom Elements

A little over a year ago, we announced the introduction of slot-based shadow DOM API, a lightweight mechanism to encapsulate a DOM tree by allowing the creation of a parallel DOM tree on an element called a “shadow tree” that replaces the rendering of the element without modifying the regular DOM tree.

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Introducing Slot-Based Shadow DOM API

Introducing Slot-Based Shadow DOM API

We’re pleased to announce that basic support for the new slot-based shadow DOM API is now available in the nightly builds.

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Benchmark for Web App Responsiveness

Benchmark for Web App Responsiveness

We are pleased to announce Speedometer, a new benchmark that measures the responsiveness of web applications.

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Abhishek Arya is now a WebKit reviewer!

Abhishek Arya is now a WebKit reviewer!

Abhishek, better known to the community as inferno, joined the WebKit community in March 2010, and he has been fixing security bugs in CSS, DOM, editing, rendering, and various other components in WebKit.

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Adrienne “Enne” Walker is a WebKit reviewer!

Adrienne “Enne” Walker is a WebKit reviewer!

Adrienne is one of the principal developers of the compositing infrastructure in the Chromium port, and has added major features such as tiling and texture memory management.

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Julien Chaffraix is a WebKit Reviewer!

Julien Chaffraix is a WebKit Reviewer!

Julien Chaffraix has been a very long time contributor to the WebKit project.

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Apple style span is gone

Apple style span is gone

This week, I committed WebKit changes r92823 and r93001.

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