Adrienne “Enne” Walker is a WebKit reviewer!

Adrienne “Enne” Walker is a WebKit reviewer!

Adrienne is one of the principal developers of the compositing infrastructure in the Chromium port, and has added major features such as tiling and texture memory management.

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Last week in WebKit:
Vibration API and compressed WebSockets

Last week in WebKit:
Vibration API and compressed WebSockets

Another 754 commits managed to find their way in WebKit’s repository last week, bringing many updates including support for the Vibration API, WebSocket’s DEFLATE extension and parsing for two CSS Grid Layout properties.

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Last week in WebKit:
calculated CSS values and the translate attribute

Last week in WebKit:
calculated CSS values and the translate attribute

684 commits landed in WebKit’s repository over the course of last week, bringing several new features and improvements such as a color picker for Web Inspector, two new CSS properties and the “translate” attribute for all HTML elements.

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Chris Rogers is a WebKit Reviewer!

Chris Rogers is a WebKit Reviewer!

Chris Rogers is the author of the Web Audio API specification and the primary implementor of it in WebKit.

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