HTML Interactive Form Validation
HTML interactive form validation is now supported in WebKit and enabled by default in Safari Technology Preview 19.
URL Parsing in WebKit
URLs have been used for decades now and you’d would think they would have consistent behavior…
Introducing Custom Elements
A little over a year ago, we announced the introduction of slot-based shadow DOM API, a lightweight mechanism to encapsulate a DOM tree by allowing the creation of a parallel DOM tree on an element called a “shadow tree” that replaces the rendering of the element without modifying the regular DOM tree.
A Refined Content Security Policy
The Content Security Policy standard lets you define a list of the inline scripts, inline stylesheets, and subresources that your page permits to load.
ES6 Feature Complete
As of r202125, JavaScriptCore supports all of the new features in the ECMAScript 6 (ES6) language specification.
Improving Color on the Web
The past few years have seen a dramatic improvement in display technology.
Updating Our Prefixing Policy
WebKit’s new feature policy is to implement experimental features unprefixed, behind a runtime flag.
Introducing Slot-Based Shadow DOM API
We’re pleased to announce that basic support for the new slot-based shadow DOM API is now available in the nightly builds.
If you’ve been following check-ins for the last year or so, then you already know that some dedicated contributors have been working on a MathML implementation in WebKit.
Full Pass of Acid3
Today we would like to announce that WebKit is the first browser engine to fully pass Acid3.
Scenes from an Acid Test
In our earlier Acid3 post, I mentioned that the final test we passed, test 79, was super tough.
WebKit achieves Acid3 100/100 in public build
UPDATE We now believe we have a full rendering pass (but not necessarily an animation smoothness pass yet).