Alexis Menard is a WebKit Reviewer!

Alexis Menard is a WebKit Reviewer!

Alexis (aka darktears on IRC) has been an unstoppable WebKit coder in the last couple of years working at INdT/Nokia Brazil.

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Last week in WebKit:
The Contributors Meeting and datalists

Last week in WebKit:
The Contributors Meeting and datalists

A total of 652 changes landed last week in various branches of WebKit’s repository.

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Abhishek Arya is now a WebKit reviewer!

Abhishek Arya is now a WebKit reviewer!

Abhishek, better known to the community as inferno, joined the WebKit community in March 2010, and he has been fixing security bugs in CSS, DOM, editing, rendering, and various other components in WebKit.

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Last week in WebKit:
CSS’ -khtml- and -apple-, and ancestorOrigins

Last week in WebKit:
CSS’ -khtml- and -apple-, and ancestorOrigins

667 commits made it into WebKit’s repository last week.

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Jocelyn Turcotte is a WebKit reviewer!

Jocelyn Turcotte is a WebKit reviewer!

Jocelyn has been a key contributor to the Qt port for many years now and has lately been exploring the accelerated land of the texture mapper on the WebKit2 planet.

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Last week in WebKit:
Flexbox updates and iframe’s srcdoc attribute

Last week in WebKit:
Flexbox updates and iframe’s srcdoc attribute

A total of 732 commits landed in WebKit’s repository last week.

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Last week in WebKit:
Network Information API and disabled fieldsets

Last week in WebKit:
Network Information API and disabled fieldsets

A total of 792 changes landed in WebKit’s repository last week.

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