Strange Medium
Digging up a very old blog entry from, the question is asked, “What’s up with the different font sizes when the monospace font family is used?” The answer, as usual with Web browsers, is pretty interesting (which is browser developer-speak for “insanely confusing”).
Recent WebKit Features
There have been a lot of exciting new engine-level features that have been added to WebKit over the last few months, and not all of them have received their own blog entries.
Introducing Drosera
I would like to introduce a new addition to the WebKit open source tools—a JavaScript debugger.
High DPI Websites (Part 2)
In reading responses to my initial post I noticed a bit of confusion regarding the proposal.
High DPI Websites (Part 1)
One area of Web design that is going to become more important in the coming years is high DPI.
Text Fields
We have recently switched over to use an engine-based implementation for <input type=text>. In doing so, our text fields are now able to use many useful css capabilities that weren’t available before. border-radius, border-image, and background-image are just a few that will now work with our text fields.
WebKit Site Redesign
If you are reading this post, you have probably already noticed that we’ve launched a visual redesign of the WebKit site.
Introducing the Web Inspector
I would like to introduce a new addition to WebKit—the Web Inspector.
SVG Text Support
I spent a few hours hooking up WebCore’s text rendering engine to SVG, and now we have basic SVG text support going.